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27th June 2019

Tur Langton Neighbourhood Plan has been Independently Examined and approved by Harborough District Council for Referendum.

For further details please visit

The Referendum Version Plan and specified documents can be viewed at:
The Symington Building Market Harborough;
Kibworth Library;

and at Tur Langton Telephone Kiosk

Published by:
Harborough District Council,
The Symington Building,
Adam & Eve Street,
Market Harborough,
LE16 7AG.

The Referendum is to decide on the question below:

‘Do you want Harborough District Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Tur Langton to help it decide planning applications in the Neighbourhood area?’

Referendum Version of Tur Langton Neighbourhood Plan - click here

Notice of Referendum - click here

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