Parish Council Meeting 15/9/15
Agenda item 6 - Policies
6.1 - Draft Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy (PDF, 166 Kb)
6.3 - Draft Sickness, Absence and Annual Leave Policy (PDF, 109 Kb)
Agenda item 7.1 - Neighbourhood Planning Update
Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting 20/8/15
Agenda item 8 - Village Hall
Agenda item 9 - Consultations
Agenda item 10.2 - Speed Limit Stickers for Bins
Agenda item 12 - Transparency Fund
12.1 - Completion of claim form
12.2 - To decide make / model and cost of laptop to claim for
Agenda item 13 - Finance
13.2 - Update on 2014/15 Accounts and Audit
13.3.1 - To receive and approve updated accounts and reconciliation
13.3.2 - To approve payments from Petty Cash and approve top-up
13.3.3 - To approve Travel Claims
13.4 - To approve for payment
Agenda item 14 - Planning and Enforcement
14.1 - 15/01272/TCA - Works to trees, Bramble Cottage, Shangton Road, Tur Langton. LE8 0PN