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Parish  Council Meeting
11th September 2018
  Council Meeting

Note new venue and start time - The Brambles, Shangton Road, Tur Langton at 8 p.m.


Agenda 11/9/18 - agenda

Minutes 11/9/18 - click here

Agenda item 8 - To Review and Adopt

8.1 - Standing Orders - click here

8.2 - Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy - click here

8.3 - Recruitment Policy - click here

8.4 - Sickness, Absence and Annual Leave Policy - click here

Agenda item 9 - Information Security and Data Retention

9 .1 - To adopt Document Retention and Disposal Policy - click here

          Appendix A - click here

9.2 - To discuss draft Data Management and Information Security Policy - click here

Agenda item 17 - Finance

17.2 - Approval of 2018/19 Accounts and bank reconciliation  - click here

17.3 - Review of budget 

Revised budget 

Supporting notes

17.4 - To approve for payment

(iv) - Leicestershire Gardens for cut on 2/7/18 - invoice

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