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Parish Council Meetings 14/5/24

Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 14/5/24

Minutes Annual Parish Meeting 14/5/24

Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting 14/5/24

Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting 14/5/24

Agenda items 11 and 12 - Finance and Audit 23/24

Accounts reconciliation to 31/3/24

List of payments arising on a regular basis 23/24 final for year

Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 23/24

(Includes Exemption Certificate, Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement)

Internal Auditor's Report 23/24

Explanation of Variances

Breakdown of Reserves

Reconciliation (External Auditor formatted form)

Agenda item 13 - Finance 24/25 Year

List of payments arising on a regular basis 24/25 year

Budget Review

Budget Review Notes

Invoice Room Hire 14/5/24

Invoice LRALC and NALC Subscription

Invoice SLCC Subscription

Receipt purchases for Memorial Gardens

Receipted invoice for insertion of advert for clerk vacancy in Kibworth Chronicle

Agenda item 16 - to review and adopt

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