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Parish Council Meeting 8th March 2022


Minutes 8/3/22

9 - Village Hall

9.1 - To note letter from Merton College advising increase in rent

Letter from Merton College

15 - Finance

15.3 - Approval of Accounts Reconciliation to 2/3/22

Accounts reconciliation to 2/3/22

List of regular payments

15.5 - To approve for payment

15.5.1 - Room hire for meeting 8/3/22

15.5.2 - Leicestershire Footpaths Association renewal

15.5.3 - Merton College Village Hall Rent

16 - Insurance

16.2 - Review of Insurance Cover and to agree renewal with Zurich Insurance for period 10/4/22 - 9/4/23 - £257.60

Policy Document

Renewal Pack

Notice to policy holders

18 - Annual Review of Policies

18.1 - Expenses Policy

18.2 - Risk Assessment

18.3 - Asset Register

18.4 - Communication Policy

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