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Parish Council Meeting 6th September 2016


Agenda Papers

Agenda Item 5 - Clerk's Report including Year Plan and LRALC update

Year Plan

Clerk Report

Harborough District Council Newsletter

Fire Ambassador Letter

Invite Letter Burial Strategy

Superfast Leicester Survey

Agenda item 7 - To Review and Adopt

7.1 Equality, Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy

7.2 Recruitment Policy

7.3 Sickness, Absence and Annual Leave Policy

Agenda Item 8 - Defibrillator

Telephone Box Adoption                   Kiosk Case History

Owned or Managed Solution            Governance

Webnos Leaflet

Agenda item 12 - Highways

12.1 Grass Cutting

12.1.2 - 2017 Season - to sign Service Level Agreement with LCC

 Grass Cutting Service Level Agreement

12.2 To consider quotations for removal of shrubbery and grass on verge at Village Hall

Luke Finney Quotation                Ben Cropson Quotation

12.4 Diversion of Footpaths B14 (part) and B11 (part)

Confirmation Notice                     Sealed Confirmed Order

Agenda item 13 - Consultations

13.1  From A roads to Zebras

13.2 Minerals and Waste Consultation

13.3 Strategic Growth Plan Consultation

13.4 LRALC Development and Member Support Questionnaire

Agenda item 15 - Finance

15.4 2016/17 Accounts - To Receive and Approve updated accounts / reconcilation

Accounts Reconciliation

15.5 To Approve for Payment

(ii) Four Counties Ground Care, Grass Cutting June and July 2016 - Invoice

(iii) LCC Web Service Support 1/4/16 - 31/8/16 - Invoice

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