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Parish Council Meeting 8th May 2018

Please note change of venue to the Church

Annual Parish Meeting  - 7.00 p.m.

Agenda APM 8/5/18



Annual Parish Council meeting  - 7.30 p.m.

Agenda Annual Parish Council meeting


Minutes 8/5/18


Agenda item 8 - To review and Adopt

8.2 Financial Regulations 

8.3 Asset Register

8.5 Policies and Procedures for handling requests for information

Agenda item 14 - General Data Protection Regulations

14.3 - To approve Privacy Notices

General Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice Staff, Councillors and Role Holders

14.4 - To approve Consent Form

Consent Form


14.5 - To approve Subject Access Request Policy

Subject Access Request Policy

14.6 - To adopt revised Data Protection Policy

Data Protection Policy

14.7 - To adopt Data Breach Policy

Data Breach Policy

Agenda item 16 - Review of Clerk's Salary in  line with new pay scales from 1/8/18 - Pay scales

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