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Parish Council Meeting 9th January 2018

Agenda 9/1/18

Minutes 9/1/18

Agenda Papers

Agenda item 3 - To approve minutes of the last meeting 7th November 2017

Minutes 7/11/17

Agenda Item 5 - Clerk's Report

Year Plan

Agenda Item 6 - To Review and Adopt

6.1 Grievance Policy

6.2 Disciplinary Policy

Agenda Item 8 - Neighbourhood Planning - to approve the following documents 

8.1 Basic Conditions Statement

8.2 Pre-submission Consultation Responses Document

8.3 Inventory of Sites

8.4 Submission Version of Neighbourhood Plan 

Supporting Document - Housing Location Process Paper

Agenda Item 10 - Grass Cutting

10.2 To award contract for Grass Cutting in the village from the 2018 season onwards

Quotation Turney Landscapes

Quotation Leicestershire Gardens

Agenda item 13 - Finance

13.2 Accounts Reconciled to 27/12/17

13.4(iii) Invoice from Tur Langton Village Hall

Agenda Item 14 - To agree Budget / Precept for 2018/19

Budget Template

Notes to Budget Template

HDC Tax Base Calculator

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