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Parish Council Meeting 30th July 2019

Agenda 30/7/19 - click here

Minutes 30/7/19 - click here

Agenda item 7 - To Review and Adopt

7.1 - Health and Safety Policy - click here

7.2 - Lone Working Policy - click here

7.3 - Home Working Policy - click here

7.4 - Grievance Policy - click here

7.5 - Disciplinary Policy - click here

7.6 - Risk Assessment - click here

7.7 - Expenses Policy - click here

7.8 - Financial Regulations - click here

Agenda item 9 - Review of Aims and Objectives - click here

Agenda item 15 - Finance

15.2 - Review of Budget

Reviewed budget - click here

Notes - click here

15.3 - Approval of Accounts Reconciliation  - click here

15.5 - To approve for payment

15.5.2 - HDC for election  - click here

15.5.4 - LRALC for Councillor training - click here

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