Annual Report 2024 by Cllr T Bladon, Chair of Tur Langton Parish Council
Tur Langton Parish Council Annual Report 2024
Welcome to Tur Langton Parish Meeting 2024
It really doesn’t feel like a whole year has passed since I wrote my report in 2023. A year in which the world seems to be more vulnerable from the continued effects of climate change and conflict. In our own small community it is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of two long standing residents and neighbours Sophie Condon and Derek Thomas, they will be greatly missed by friends and relatives.
During the year has been a significant number of planning applications both for property and trees. The Parish Council continue to monitor and or comment on each application received and would encourage applicants to attend meetings where their plans are being discussed. We use the policies in our Neighbourhood Plan and Harborough District Local Plan to guide our responses.
Maintaining the grassed areas in our village has been the Parish Councils responsibility for many years. During May and June we will be taking part in the ‘No Mow’ initiative, we shall see if we grow a more diverse array of species after all the rain in the past few months. If you have any other ideas to help wildlife in our grassed areas or any other areas of the village, please let us know.
During 2024 the size of Tur Langton will increase slightly as the construction of four dwellings on the Northern boundary started in the Spring. This will lead to traffic management systems being put in place at some point whilst a new path is constructed to join the development to the rest of the village.
We are pleased to report that our ongoing traffic calming project funded in part by a LCC grant of £5000 has been completed. Two signs that display and record the speeds of vehicles travelling North and South on the B6047 have been purchased and installed. The reports generated from these records give a clear picture of the traffic speeds and the general feeling is that it has had a positive impact on the speed of many vehicles travelling through the village. The data will be compared over time and used to inform any other traffic calming measures in the future. We were also due to take part in Speedwatch, a community speed awareness initiative but unfortunately that had to be postponed until next year. We are looking for a volunteer to co-ordinate the scheme, so if that is of interest please contact one of the councillors or our clerk who can explain what would be involved.
We continue to develop Tur Langton History pages on the Parish Council Website. If you have any photographs or articles that may be of interest then please contact our clerk or one of the councillors.
Communication with the village is important to us and we achieve this through our Parish Council website, which is maintained by our Clerk and Cllr Officer. We also produce a newsletter which we hope is informative and useful, however we are always looking to the future and hope to explore digital forms of communication. Any suggestions or ideas are very welcome.
Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to our clerk for her continued hard work. Her dedication and attention to detail are an example to us all. We look forward to working with her for the next few months until her retirement in September and wish her a very happy and productive retirement.
A council also needs to keep up to date, a list of training that has been undertaken and the consultations that the Parish Council have responded to are attached to this report.
In conclusion we thank you for taking the time to attend this meeting and look forward to representing our community in the coming year and completing our ongoing projects
​Tur Langton Parish Council Consultations responded, Training and Events attended May 23 to April 24:
3/7/23 Clerk, LCC Annual Liaison Event at County Hall
19/9/23 Cllr Anderson - Councillor Training
23/11/23 Clerk, HDC Liaison Meeting at Harborough Council Offices
23/11/23 Cllr Staveley, HDC Liaison Meeting at Harborough Council Offices
22/3/24 Clerk, HDC Clerks’ Operational Meeting (Zoom)
14 planning applications responded to:
Consultations responded to:
January 2024 – LCC Recycling and Waste Sites Consultation
March 2024 – LCC updated proposals for Recycling and Waste Sites Consultation