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Tur Langton Parish Council Aims and Objectives 2025/26


  • To improve the quality of life for residents and businesses in Tur Langton Parish

  • To provide effective, transparent and accountable local government of Tur Langton Parish

  • To effectively represent the residents and businesses in Tur Langton Parish and take opportunities to promote the village / parish

  • To protect and enhance amenities in Tur Langton Parish

  • To preserve and enhance the rural, built and natural environments of Tur Langton

  • To enable residents to be involved in the life of Tur Langton Parish and its future development



  • To keep informed of changes to legislation and ensure that procedures and Parish Council policies are reviewed and revised in line with such changes

  • To continue to maintain and update website.  Publish all information required by legislation and as much other information as possible on site.  Keep up to date with relevant legislation. Check Accessibility on an annual basis using Wix Tool.  Develop History Page 

  • To access training opportunities

  • To give residents and businesses the opportunity to express their views and represent these effectively

  • To communicate effectively with residents, for example through newsletters and website and village WhatsApp Group. To explore new ways of communication.

  • To work effectively with other local parishes, District and County Council Councillors and other service providers.

  • Continue to support and work closely with Village Hall committee.  As Custodian Trustee be the link with the landlord. Review, on a yearly basis when budget is set, whether it is necessary to hold a reserve to pay rent to Merton College (currently being paid by Village Hall Committee)

  • To consider, from a local perspective, all planning and enforcement matters that effect the Parish and provide comment on their impact on local residents, the wider community and the rural nature of the Parish, applying the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan.   Promote the Neighbourhood Plan to residents and developers.  Keep the Neighbourhood Plan under review.

  • To protect and enhance the village’s environment and amenities to include

    • Cutting of grass verges. 

    • Identifying and protecting trees and woodland of value

    • Seeking opportunities to create and manage habitat sites.  

    • Working with other bodies to monitor, maintain and enhance the network of footpaths

    • Programme of maintenance of street furniture

  • Effective monitoring of speeding on Shangton Road sing data from the Speed Signs.  Allocate a councillor to monitor the data.

  • Keep residents interested in the work of the Parish Council and encourage involvement in the Council's projects, e.g. Speedwatch, Defibrillator and Village Hall.

  • To work with residents to improve / retain Community Resilience, raise awareness of Defibrillator and Community Response Plan and facilitate plan in the event of an emergency.  Keep Response Plan up to date.

  • To take opportunities to promote the village

  • To actively promote and explain the format of Parish Council meetings in the Village Newsletter, in particular the opportunity for questions from the public. 


Link to Aims and Objectives document


Adopted 21st January 2025

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